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•   Charles Wester (1969)  10/19
•   Karl Hendela (2015)  10/9
•   Alyssa Altonjy (2017)  10/6
•   John Laks (1974)  10/6
•   Christopher Canning  10/1
•   Ronald Bognar (1971)  9/22
•   Philip Michael Cababe (1964)  9/22
•   Linda Mayer (1976)  9/22
•   Kenneth Kebless (1981)  9/17
•   Rebecca Julia Paulhus (Borkowski) (2007)  9/15
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

5 live in Alabama
1 lives in Alaska
29 live in Arizona
2 live in Arkansas
1 lives in Armed Forces Pacific
70 live in California
21 live in Colorado
31 live in Connecticut
9 live in Delaware
3 live in District Of Columbia
255 live in Florida
29 live in Georgia
4 live in Hawaii
4 live in Idaho
13 live in Illinois
9 live in Indiana
4 live in Iowa
5 live in Kansas
3 live in Kentucky
5 live in Louisiana
8 live in Maine
35 live in Maryland
32 live in Massachusetts
7 live in Michigan
2 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
8 live in Missouri
5 live in Montana
2 live in Nebraska
21 live in Nevada
10 live in New Hampshire
1,819 live in New Jersey
9 live in New Mexico
89 live in New York
81 live in North Carolina
11 live in Ohio
4 live in Oklahoma
7 live in Oregon
111 live in Pennsylvania
3 live in Rhode Island
65 live in South Carolina
2 live in South Dakota
17 live in Tennessee
40 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
11 live in Vermont
1 lives in Virgin Islands
48 live in Virginia
8 live in Washington
3 live in West Virginia
4 live in Wisconsin
3 live in Wyoming
1 lives in Alberta
2 live in Ontario
1 lives in Quebec
1 lives in Austria
1 lives in Costa Rica
1 lives in Dominican Republic
1 lives in Germany
2 live in Italy
1 lives in Philippines
1 lives in South Africa
2 live in Spain
1 lives in Thailand
3 live in United Kingdom
19,198 location unknown
2,055 are deceased


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              Class Year/ # Accounted for

    1950 55 1960 125 1970 253 1980 89 1990 44 2000 28
1941 8 1951 50 1961 130 1971 187 1981 81 1991 31 2001 26
1942 24 1952 87 1962 117 1972 266 1982 81 1992 28 2002 27
1943 16 1953 43 1963 146 1973 194 1983 84 1993 44 2003 24
1944 13 1954 61 1964 151 1974 161 1984 73 1994 37 2004 21
1945 51 1955 22 1965 153 1975 121 1985 93 1995 26 2005 25
1946 59 1956 73 1966 133 1976 116 1986 53 1996 44 2006 26
1947 23 1957 96 1967 144 1977 131 1987 63 1997 35 2007 19
1948 21 1958 42 1968 139 1978 117 1988 82 1998 23 2008 23
1949 27 1959 66 1969 185 1979 93 1989 66 1999 32 2009 29
2010 25 2011 26 2012 23 2013 25 2014 29 2015 46 2016 15
2017 18 2018 13 2019 3 2020 4 2021 1 2022 0 2023 0
            Staff 38            

Total accounted for 5466